Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Saturday Well Spent

I'm spending as long as possible in bed this morning. I'm ignoring the inevitable moment when my mother comes in and drags me out to experience the beauty of the day. When this is my view, why should I feel like I am missing out on anything? I'm not doing "productive things" but instead reading what interests me and catching up on the world. Every now and then I will come across something that makes me laugh out loud so much that it piques my sister's curiosity (she's registering for classes in the breakfast room outside my door) and I have to read it to her.

I have moved up in the bracket rankings. I'm now #26!

I will leave you with an ode to my favorite show that I hardly ever watch! I'm waiting for the "right moment" to watch the whole series.

My silence has been shattered. First, John came in and told me the FUNNIEST story that I will blog on later. Then, Alisha entered. Now, I have both of them taking over my bed yelling at each other in a "discussion" of the accumulation of knowledge for the sake of learning alone or for purpose...actually, I couldn't even begin to explain it but there is a lot of yelling about the bad guy in Jodi Foster's movie, Google, and how if Alisha actually ran the monastary that Mendel experimented in the splitting of pea genes she would have locked him in his 6 by 6 cell because it was unnecessary information.

Some things are WAY better than solitude. I haven't quit laughing yet.

I leave you with this quote:

John: "You'd never have cross-pollinated the pea, that's for sure."
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